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What We Believe

Excerpts from the Covenant of the Glenview Community Church

The Glenview Community Church, United Church of Christ, unites Christians of all denominations on the common principles of belief in God, Christ, the Bible, and the Church, with each member interpreting these beliefs as conscience dictates.

We propose to live in the fellowship and ways of God and to follow the leadership of Jesus Christ in all our life’s experiences so far as God’s ways and Christ’s leadership are made known to us. We strive to know the will of God as taught in the Bible and all other sources and to walk in the ways of God made known to us.

We hold it our church’s mission to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ to all people, exalting in the worship of the one true God. We labor for the progress of knowledge, the promotion of justice and the reign of peace in the world.


Glenview Community Church • 1000 Elm Street • Glenview, Illinois 60025 • 847.724.2210