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The Confirmation and Youth Board

The Confirmation and Youth Board is focused on the Christian educational programs of GCC youth in the 7th through the 12th grades. During these important years, youth complete a two year confirmation program in Jr. High and continue on in our high school program to find ways of integrating spiritual beliefs and service to others into their young adult lives.

The Board supports the Ministry for Youth and Children and the Pastor in coordinating events with the various youth groups and confirmation program. It provides ongoing communication and educational forums for parents of teens, and provides support to college students and parents.

The Board gets to know the youth at GCC and seeks to respect and love each individual as they are. They work with the youth to plan programs and service projects, such as:

  • Sunday Night Fellowship – PYF (Pilgrim Youth Fellowship)
  • Fall & Winter Retreats
  • High School Senior Breakfast
  • Christmas Pageant
  • Pancake Breakfast Fund Raiser
  • Youth Sunday
  • Summer Work Camps
  • Middler Student Fellowship and Mission Outreach activities


For more information about working with the GCC Confirmation & Youth Board, contact the Chairperson of this Board, Rev. Pamela Keckler or Elizabeth Ciccolini, Ministry for Youth and Children.


Glenview Community Church • 1000 Elm Street • Glenview, Illinois 60025 • 847.724.2210