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The Membership Board

The Membership Board is primarily focused on welcoming people to the Glenview Community Church and engaging them in the activities and work of the Church.

As Glenview grows and changes, the Membership Board encourages and promotes innovative activities, programs and services that will serve the needs of the community now and into the future.

The Membership Board works to make the values and activities of GCC more visible in the community to encourage membership growth and involvement. They work with other Church boards to design and promote events that are of interest to the community as a whole and serve as an introduction to GCC.

Board members also participate in classes for new members to help them find the best way to get involved in the fellowship and work of the church.

To find out more about the activities and opportunities sponsored by the Membership Board, contact Linda Binaei, Director of Member Engagement.


Glenview Community Church • 1000 Elm Street • Glenview, Illinois 60025 • 847.724.2210