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Music Board

The Music Board at GCC facilitates the music program and supports the music staff throughout the year. Our music program has always been among the finest in the Chicago area. Currently there is an adult chancel choir, a bell choir, and two childrens’ choirs with a music staff of three people to lead them.

These choirs enhance the worship services every week and participate in additional services including the annual Christmas Pageant, special concerts, and other musical events.

Of particular note is the “Simple Gifts” concert series, now in its second year. The Music Board is responsible for publicity and coordinating ushers and hosts for the post concert receptions. Participation provides a wonderful way to support and be involved in the music program if it not possible to be part of a choir.

To participate in the Music Board or help at concerts please contact the church office.


Glenview Community Church • 1000 Elm Street • Glenview, Illinois 60025 • 847.724.2210