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Personnel and Ministerial Relations Committee

The Personnel and Ministerial Relations Committee (PMRC) of GCC is chaired by the Immediate Past Moderator and composed of four At-Large Members of the Executive Board plus one member of the Board of Finance appointed by the chair of the Board of Finance. 

Among the duties of the PMRC as set out in the Bylaws of GCC is the following:  “c. Be available to church members, employees, boards, committees, and members of the Council of Ministry to receive concerns regarding their individual or collective welfare, church programs, or the functioning of the Council of Ministry or church boards in those instances when resolution of such concerns by the Senior Minister would be uncomfortable, inappropriate or has been unsuccessful.” 

If you would like to share your thoughts with the members of the PMRC, you can do it two different ways:

  • A "Comments to PMRC" dropbox located next to the display case outside the church office on the first floor. It is checked frequently by the committee members.
  • You can send an e-mail to Again, the email inbox is checked frequently.



Glenview Community Church • 1000 Elm Street • Glenview, Illinois 60025 • 847.724.2210