Our Ministries
Our Ministries

Our Ministries

Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries offered at GCC range from educational opportunities to social and mission outreach activities ...   Read more >>

Children’s Ministries are a very important part of congregational life at GCC. Through Sunday school, children’s choirs, mission opportunities, the Christmas pageant and participation in worship, we nurture the spirit and talents of our youngest members ….   Read more >>

Youth Ministries offers exciting programs for Jr. High and High School students to get involved and exercise their faith. Youth groups offer social and spiritual support, mission opportunities and a place to make lasting friendships….  Read more >>

Congregational Care Ministries are strongly supported at GCC. As one of the first congregations to offer this type of program to our members, we are committed to promoting the spiritual and physical well-being of our church family….  Read more >>

Music Ministries are alive and well at GCC. We provide opportunities for people of all ages to participate in vocal and instrumental music experiences. Our worship is lead by our exceptional Buzard organ, and we have created an exciting concert series that is open to the entire community.…. Read more >>

Mission Outreach holds a special place in the hearts of GCC members and friends. Beyond substantial financial support of a variety of programs, both locally and internationally, we work to help each congregational member experience hands-on activities that make a real difference..….  Read more >>

10:00 AM - Worship iIn the Sanctuary

10:00 AM - Church School

11:00 AM - Fellowship Time
in The Mayflower Room

Handicap Ramp in the Front Entrance circle Drive
Elevator in the West Entrance
Audio amplification (for the hearing impaired)
Ask an Usher

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• Simple Gifts Concert Series
• stewardship
• Job Opportunities
• open and affirming
• Hands of Peace
• scouts
• Village Treasure House
• Equal Exchange

Children's MInistries
Youth Ministries
Congregational Care
Music Ministries
Mission Outreach
GCC Nursery School
GCC Resale Shop
Glenview Community Church • 1000 Elm Street • Glenview, Illinois 60025 • 847.724.2210