Our Ministries

Stewardship 2016

Constitution At Glenview Community Church our faith community touches our lives daily and reaches many people beyond the walls of the sanctuary with the common bonds of hope, strength, caring and giving.

Stewardship is a vital activity that helps ensure that our faith community has the financial resources to fulfill our ministry and mission, including:

  • Mission outreach activities that support diverse programs for people in need.
  • Thriving children and youth programs guiding young people in faith.
  • A music program that fills the sanctuary with glorious music from the Chancel Choir, Children's Choirs, Bell Choir, Simple Gifts concert series and our annual Christmas Pageant.
  • Women's Association, Men's Ministry, Resale Shop, senior and health ministries and adult education programs and many more.

It is your annual pledge that provides the support necessary to activate the programs, education, and meet the needs of our dedicated people that serve over 600 members.

Without you, none of this happens. These programs would not exist without members who give so much of their time, talent and treasure to help build an active community of faith.

The Finance Board creates budgets based on anticipated revenues, and it’s your pledge that helps set the budgets and expenditures for the coming year. Over 70% of our revenues come from pledging income. This year we’re asking for people to pledge by November 10, 2012 in order to plan for 2014.

How much should you give? That is a fair question. We understand that traditional tithing of ten percent to the church may stretch some beyond their family budget. However, if everyone could give three or four percent or more, we would meet our financial obligations, continue our wonderful programs and help those who need it most.

The church has never needed your personal or financial support more. Be part of what is happening. It all starts with your financial commitment..

Electronic Giving Click Here

10:00 AM - Worship In the Sanctuary

10:00 AM - Church School

11:00 AM - Fellowship Time in
The Mayflower Room

Handicap Ramp in the Front Entrance circle Drive
Elevator in the West Entrance
Audio amplification (for the hearing impaired)
Ask an Usher

Find US on Google Maps
• Simple Gifts Concert Series
• Stewardship
• Job Opportunities
• open and affirming
• Hands of Peace
• scouts
• Village Treasure House
• Equal Exchange

Proposed Constitution
Documents and Forms
Job Opportunities
Open And Affirming
Long Range Plan
Glenview Community Church • 1000 Elm Street • Glenview, Illinois 60025 • 847.724.2210